Waiting List

Arnova Capital AG provides its services to a limited number of individual and institutional clients. We do not currently accept new clients. To send a request to be added to the waiting list, you need to complete the questionnaire below for regulatory reasons.

Additionally, Arnova is the advisor to several actively managed certificates (AMC), a fund-like investment product issued by major issuers in Switzerland, which you may purchase through your bank or broker. For an overview see the AMC section of this website, further details can be obtained upon request. To send a request for further details, you need to complete the questionnaire below for regulatory reasons.


Please confirm that you are a qualified investor. The definition varies according to country of domicile (private clients) or country of incorporation/place of operation (institutional investors). If you are not sure you must consult with a legal advisor.

We/I confirm that we are/I am a qualified investor